COUNCILLOR Caoimhín McCann has been elected Chair of Belfast City Council’s West Belfast Working Group. The Working Group is a cross-party group of councillors co-operating on cross-party work.

The Sinn Féin councillor was nominated by the outgoing chair Cllr Steven Corr and Cllr Matt Garrett at Thursday evening’s Council meeting.

Cllr McCann, who became the youngest Sinn Féin councillor in Ireland earlier this year, currently represents his constituents in the Colin area. 

Speaking with the Andersonstown News, Councillor Caoimhín spoke of his high regard for the work Cllr Steven Corr has achieved as Chair and what he plans to bring to the table.

‘‘Stevie has been great, he took on the Chair of the group for two years now," he said.

‘‘All councillors on the group across West Belfast constituency were very happy to work with Stevie.

‘‘He thought it was maybe a bit of a time for change and fair play to him and Matt Garrett who nominated me to take it on.

 ‘‘I’m hoping to build on the great work that Stevie and the rest of the Councillor’s have done which was a lot of strategic development and delivering big capital projects in West Belfast so that stretches from everywhere across the Shankill right up until the Colin area.

‘‘So you have the likes in the West of the Roddy McCorley museum which is just close to completion now.

"The new park in the Colin – which we’re hoping with a Colin Councillor being in the Chair there we can really get to grips on and make a strong effort to animate.

"There are other projects such as parks due to be delivered in Areema and Sally Gardens as well so they’ll be coming up fairly quickly soon, which will be good.’’