A FOUL smell in the wider Colin, Hannahstown and Glen Road areas, which hit the headlines a number of years ago, is causing a stink for residents once again.

West Belfast MP Paul Maskey says constituents have contacted him in recent weeks to raise the issue of unpleasant odours close to the vicinity of their homes.

The stench has previously been linked to a number of businesses including Mullaghglass landfill site, Natural World Products site and another from the Montupet plant in Dunmurry.

Concerned residents also contacted the Andersonstown News this week about the odours.

Brendan McConnell, from Hawthorn View in Hannahstown said the odour has intensified in recent weeks.

"I can only comment that the frequent discharge of unpleasant odours into the Hawthorn View and surrounding areas is not acceptable," he said. "This problem has been occurring over the last four to five years and is intensifying.

"Of course the prevailing lower and upper winds will have an effect on the dispersal areas of any odour plumes.

"It is not acceptable that residents have to tolerate pollution of their local living environment and have to suffer this foul odour seeping into their homes and garden areas."

Sean Paul Flanigan, who lives in Andersonstown said the "smell is awful".

"I live in Andersonstown and it can be revolting at times. It definitely comes in spells. Sometimes you might get it for an hour or days at a time," he added. "It gets into the house as well. It is so pungent.

"I think a lot of people think it is a slurry smell but it is not.

"I want to be able to sit outside in my back garden and not be exposed to this smell. I would really consider moving because of it. I don’t think the smell would be tolerated in other parts of the city."

West Belfast MP Paul Maskey said: "I have contacted the Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), Northern Ireland Environment Agency (NIEA) and the local councils to establish why the odours are occurring more prevalent in recent weeks. 

"I know there has been issues with odours on and off for a number of years now but the agencies must ensure that all is being done to prevent these odours polluting the local air."

A NIEA spokesperson said: "The NIEA can confirm it has been receiving reports of odour within the Hannahstown area and is urgently following up with regulated business operators in the area to ensure compliance with the conditions of their permit, including odour management."