NEW Lodge residents enjoyed a Christmas event to remember thanks to £20,000 funding from the Housing Executive.

The community Christmas tree lights were switched on by Lord Mayor Ryan Murphy, who was joined by Christmas carol singers, while refreshments were provided and Santa gave out selection boxes to local children. 

Local Sinn Féin Councillor JJ Magee said: "This Christmas project is part of a growing initiative in this specific area to re-image and reclaim previously contentious spaces in the New Lodge area, which historically had been the site used annually for unwanted bonfires and anti-social behaviour.

"At local community safety meetings, Safer Streets, the New Lodge Housing Forum, CRJI/CIT and NIHE discussed a plan to reclaim the area with the residents and create a safer positive space for all.

"Building on our successful re-imaging project with the residents, it had been agreed to hold a Christmas event to continue supporting the residents in occupying this space to make it a place where the local community can meet to celebrate the festive season.

"This project will build positive intra-community relations within the New Lodge community as well as intra-generational relations between young people and old people, to help break down feelings of social isolation at this time of year, and will create a positive atmosphere over Christmas to make the New Lodge a safe and welcoming space for all."