ACTION has been agreed between a range of agencies to tackle drug taking and anti-social behaviour concerns in the grounds of Clifton House.
Located in North Queen Street, the landmark building dates to 1774 and is a well-known tourist attraction in the city.
Part of the main building includes a residential home for elderly people and those with dementia, run by Radius Housing.
Elderly residents living there say they're "living in fear" over drug taking in the grounds of the historic building.
One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, told us: "We are living in fear here.
"The grounds are full of drugs and discarded needles.
"It is very dangerous. There are a lot of pensioners who live here."
On Tuesday, Sinn Féin representatives were joined by Radius Housing, Belfast City Council, the PSNI and Clifton House Heritage Centre staff for a multi-agency site visit.
Speaking after the visit, Oldpark Sinn Féin Councillor JJ Magee said: “Huge concerns had been voiced over drug taking in the grounds of Clifton House and we organised a multi-agency site visit to address the problems.
“There was clear evidence of drug paraphernalia and anti-social gatherings within the grounds.
“I’ve spoken to residents and Radius Housing had also ben in contact with them listening to their concerns in recent weeks."
Councillor Magee said he's pleased to report that practical actions were agreed,
“This was a very useful on-site meeting and I’m glad that practical actions were agreed," he added.
“Contractors will be engaged to clean the grounds and clear hedging and lines of sight to reduce cover for people gathering.
“Radius Housing will further engage with residents at each stage of this process to ensure good communication.
“City Council and the PSNI will step up to play their part in ensuring the safety of residents and the security of residents and staff.
“We have agreed to meet again in two weeks to assess progress and discuss next steps.
“There is no doubt that the grounds of this historic building have become a hotspot for drug taking and anti-social gatherings but I’m confident that working together we can tackle the outstanding problems.”
A spokesman for Radius Housing said: "The safety of our tenants is our top priority and following recent concerns expressed regarding anti-social behaviour we have increased our own security provision on site and, following liaison with the PSNI, they have agreed to increase patrols in the area.
"Radius Housing have strict procedures in place to deal with anti-social behaviour and where tenants are found to have engaged in such behaviour we will take action in terms with our policies and tenancy agreements."